DN Weekly 2501

Lolos (Boobs)

Writer/Director Marie Valade speaks to us about reckoning with the ever changing symbolism behind breasts and deconstructs the animation process behind her surreal short film.

The Butterfly

Satya Gautam explains how he worked with co-director Gili Twena on the process of translating sensations of panic and unease into cohesive contrasting movements of loneliness and connection.

Forår (Spring)

Filmmaker Pernille Kjær talks to us about being drawn back to filmmaking by the rugged Danish countryside and playing with light and sound in her black & white animated exploration of place.

In My Day

William Grave speaks to DN about creating a neutral almost timeless setting for his black & white drama tinged with sci-fi about a cross-cultural couple battling prejudice.

T A P E Collective

Isra Al Kassi walks DN through the impetus behind T A P E Collective, the cross-art curatorial collective she co-founded in 2015 with Angela Moneke as a response to the lack of representation on screen, and discusses their ongoing mission to demystify the industry while providing a platform to highlight under-served films and bring unsung cult classics to the foreground for new audiences.